Just can't wait to get on the road again.
Thursday morning after the tenth review of my packing list, I’ll load my suitcase in the car and head south. I might leave the music off for awhile and just absorb the sound of the road with the sound of my thoughts. It will take me about an hour and forty-five minutes to get to Nan’s house, depending on the ever present construction on Route 7. I met her in 2003 and they were working on Route 7 back then.
2003. Hard to believe it’s been that long since we met up at a restaurant to plan a Clay Aiken fan get together. We’ve been to many places together either meeting up at some airport or driving to all parts of the northeast running on little sleep, caffeine, adrenaline and excitement. This time, we’ll wait for another good friend to arrive and start the trek south. South to Raleigh...affectionately called Mecca by many in the fandom.
On the road again
Goin' places that I've never been.
Seein' things that I may never see again
We weren’t going to make this trip. During these hard economic times of employment uncertainty, rising costs of healthcare and college tuition- sacrifices have to be made. I had resigned myself to the fact that I would get to watch this concert on PBS in June.

Then something happened. A spark was lit and it made the thought of missing this concert/taping unthinkable. The spark was started by Clay himself with his arranging a special pre-sale for the fans and answering every question imaginable about the taping. It was so good to see him so excited. This was a big deal. How could we miss it? When Nan suggested that we drive the 10+ hours but break it up over a couple of days, I quickly decided that it was time to a cash in those American Express points that had built up over years of paying for concerts, hotels and flights. One concert was going to pay for another. The struggle that Clay had in keeping his recording career moving despite a lack of support from his label would be rewarded with all the support he deserves from this new label. And we need to be there to celebrate that as he unveils his new album for television.
The message boards are in a pre-travel state. It’s the day before most begin their trips. It’s the “one more sleep” day. It’s funny but the chatter on the boards almost feels like real audio. Like you can hear everybody saying the words that they are only typing on a keyboard. It’s bursting through my monitor in sound bites (soundbytes?), the way the voices came through the television in Poltergeist.
On the road again -
Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway
We're the best of friends.
Insisting that the world keep turning our way
It’s a special man and a special voice that can create this bond amongst so many strangers. Some of us have been friends for seven years now. Some of us will meet for the first time. People are coming from nearly forty states and three countries on planes, trains, busses and automobiles. But all roads lead to Clay this week. Because Tried and True is more than an album title. It’s a bond between singer and fan.
The life I love is making music with my friends
And I can't wait to get on the road again.

record label
Clay Aiken
Tried and True
television special
new album
Decca Records
Chris Walden
Universal Music Group
International Media
American Idol
Willy Nelson
*sniff* There's something in my eye and it's threatening to streak down my cheek and drop off the end of my nose. Thanks a whole bunch, Corabeth! No, really. Thanks a whole bunch for capturing this feeling so perfectly.
Awwwww. 7 years? Holy Moly! Well I was younger, thinner and taller when we started this journey. But none of the fun has diminished and I treasure the man who brought me into the lives of so many who have become dear friends. Thanks for a lovely blog.
Inspired! Seven years have flown by and created so many fun memories. Clay even brings Yankee and Red Sox fans together in harmony!
Corabeth wrote:
But all roads lead to Clay this week. Because Tried and True is more than an album title. It’s a bond between singer and fan.
So true. Great blog.
idlefan - pass me a tissue? Beautiful words, thank you so much for taking the time to capture that certain feeling so eloquently. It will be amazing to be in that auditorium, surrounded by so much love. It has been a joy leading up to this single concert - Clay is so excited you can almost feel it.
Cannot wait to hear the music and to experience my very first special event - it will truly be a night to remember.
Thank you again and safe travels to all. I Hope to meet as many people as possible this weekend.
I really enjoyed your blog and wish I were going to be there, too. This is a rehearsal/concert weekend for me, so I really look forward to the post taping reports.
I love your TNT widget and looked around the Net for a similar one but ran into malware. When you return home, perhaps you can suggest a link.
Safe travels to Raleigh!
Great blog! *sniff*
For all who are heading to mecca....enjoy the pilgramage!
I wish I was joining all of you, but I can't wait to hear all about it. What an exciting night for Clay. He has seen it all and this makes me so happy for him. Lovely blog Corabeth.
Aww, really captured the feeling, CB. *sniff* Can't wait to see everybody and have Clay sing to meeeeee and Clay Nation and hopefully millions of future viewers on PBS. This is going to be an amazing event; I feel it in my bones!
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