Clay Aiken, on his fifth field visit for UNICEF, laughs while surrounded by a group of Somali girls and women
- UNICEF photos by Nick Ysenburg
Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.--- The Talmud
UNICEF Ambassador Clay Aiken is continuing his work to promote support for the children of Somalia, following his recent trip to the northwestern region of Somaliland.
In a blog entitled Somalia: Keep spreading the word, Aiken thanks donors for raising $50,000 for Somalia's children in the last six days, and challenges UNICEF supporters to take action in advocating for children.
UNICEF is one of the few humanitarian organizations with an active presence in the war-torn country, acting as a vital lifeline for the innocent victims of war. In a previous blog, Aiken described his visit to UNICEF-supported schools and hospitals, centers where girls learn leadership, life-skills and play sports, and UNICEF-supported maternal and child health clinics that offer nutritional feeding and immunization, programs that save lives and improve the quality of living.
UNICEF has been helping children for over 60 years and has saved more children’s lives than any other organization in the world. We have the history and the experience to overcome obstacles like politics and poverty—even war—which can stand in the way of helping a child survive. While we could never do it alone, we are often the ones who reach children in need after everyone else has given up.--- From United States Fund for UNICEF
By supporting UNICEF's programs, you can do something to make a difference.
What does it take to save a child?
Give a little, or give a lot. Here are just a few examples of what a few dollars can do:
$1.20, a little more than the price of downloading another song to your iPod, can immunize a woman and her newborn against tetanus.
$17, less than the price of a takeout pizza, can immunize a child against the six major childhood diseases.
$60, the price of the Grand Theft Auto video game, can provide enough vaccine to immunize 60 children against polio.
$200, the price for a mediocre ticket to a playoff game, can buy a large cold box for the transportation of vaccines to remote locations.
What will you do to save a child?
There are three simple things anyone can do to be a part of the solution: ask your family and friends to become involved; encourage them to become informed about UNICEF's work in Somalia, and; ask them to donate to support child survival programs in Somalia.
And remember: education is the key to ending the cycle.
$3 can provide a child with a pencil, paper pad and a pen to use in the classroom.--- US Fund for UNICEF
$16 can buy a double-sided chalkboard for classroom or outdoor use.
$176 can buy one school-in-a-box kit—a ready-made educational solution packed in a lockable metal box, containing equipment for 80 students such as pencils, erasers, exercise books, writing slates, scissors and carrier bags.
Act now to save a life and together, one by one, we can save the world entire.

For more information on UNICEF's lifesaving work in Somalia, go to:
US Fund for UNICEF - links to articles by search
UNICEF.org - Somalia country page at international site
UNICEF Somalia - dedicated website
A selection of featured articles from UNICEF:
Protection of Children Is Critical Amid Escalating Conflict in Somalia
Volunteer-Staffed Health Center Helps Save Lives in Baidoa, Somalia
UNICEF Seeks Emergency Support for Somalia’s Undernourished Children
Temporary schools bring a sense of normalcy to young Somalis displaced by conflict
Technorati tags: Clay Aiken, UNICEF, Somalia, humanitarian crisis, US Fund for UNICEF, baby, children, education, Africa, war, nutrition, health, sanitation, safe water, immunization, American Idol, child survival, orphan, child protection, HIV/AIDS, Talmud Tweet